In recent years, the demand for HR Managers who can provide the specialized services required by the competitive demands of a sophisticated workforce has increased significantly. These Managers must also have the knowledge and expertise to manage the human wealth according to the international standards set out in today’s global environment. This program allows managers and professionals, to combine their unique and diverse educational backgrounds into the Human Resource Management professional environment. The unique and sophisticated perspective that each participant brings along with an intensive study of complex Human Resources issues is highly valued by today’s employers.

TTR in collaboration with HRMI and GUST provides this course in five (Modules)

• Introduction to Human Resource Management
• Productivity, Efficiency, Effectiveness and Risk
• Equal Employment Opportunity
• Strategic Human Resource Management

• Organizing & Job Analysis
• HR Planning & Recruiting
• Testing & Selection
• Interviewing Candidates

• Orientation and Employee Training
• Training Methods
• Management Development
• Managing Organizational Change
• Evaluating the Training Effectiveness
• Performance Management and Control
• Business Process Reengineering
• Key Performance Indicators

• Establishing Strategic Pay Plans
• Pay Performance and Financial Incentives
• Incentive Pay Systems
• Employee Benefits and Services

• Ethics and Fair Treatment
• What Shapes Ethical Behavior at Work
• Employee Disciplinary and Privacy
• Managing Dismissals
• Unions and the Law
• The Collective Bargaining Process
• Grievance
• Occupational Safety Law
• Top Management’s Role in Safety
• Causes of Accidents
• Accidents Cost
• How to Prevent Accidents
• Occupational Security and Safety
• HR Management Audit and Standards

CHRM is internationally validated and recognized by the several reputed academic and professional bodies around the world